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of personal development

Some say

that our destiny is beyond our control

that we don't choose our fate

but i know the truth

our destiny lives within us

you just have to be brave enough to see it. 


Brave (2012)

Disney Pixar movie


  • Options of mentorships individual or in groups 

  • People or groups interested in developing theirpersonal and communication skills, clarify your purpose and bring self-knowledge and well-being to everyday life

  • People or groups with an interest in improve your relationships to yourself, to other people and to the world

  • People or groups looking to leave a legacy with a positive impact and contribute to a culture of peace through communication

  • Leaders in search of greater communicative effectiveness, as well as greater socio-emotional development forfeedbacks

  • Professionals in the field of communication, education, human resources or entrepreneurs with an interest in developing their professional communicative skills

Our nature is perfect and evolutionary in an innate way. Let us be active agents of an evolution at a personal and social level that contributes to the transformation


forest Road



Of ideas, conscience and wisdom.

On a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level.


Adapting and surrendering to the new is what society, humanity and all beings on Earth are asking of us at this time.


Our nature is perfect and evolutionary in an innate way. Let us be active agents of an evolution at a personal and social level that contributes to the transformation



Wise voice that whispers the answers according to what resonates in the abode of our heart. It is the compass that guides us every step of the way.


Those who seek to know each other and, through example, empower their audience,

understood everything.



We use as a basis the knowledge of Transpersonal Psychology from Unipaz and Transrational Peace, developed byUniversity of Innsbruck. In addition to guiding ourselves through ancestral wisdom and ancient traditions of the peoples of the East.

For us, personal development works in the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual dimensions. Based on science, art, philosophy and popular traditions, we are aware that each being is unique in its essence. Therefore, we work on mentoring and care at the level of body, mind, heart and soul.



We use the knowledge of systemic movements based on the Integrative Systemic Constellation, as well as on the recognition of family patterns.


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“Sem dúvidas, os três meses que tive mentoria com a Bárbara transformaram a minha vida. De uma forma leve e de dentro para fora. É muito difícil expressar em palavras o quão rica foi essa jornada que sem dúvidas não terá fim, pois sinto que cada dia vejo o mundo com lentes diferentes e que me fazem evoluir. E sei que estou evoluindo todos os dias. Sempre com muito amor e luz. E é isso que a Bárbara é. Além de ser expert no que faz e possuir conhecimentos profundos em comunicação, ela possui o dom de acender uma luz que você nem sabia que existia dentro de ti. 

Gratidão infinita a ela por simplesmente tudo! Pois, se hoje me sinto mais segura, confiante e no lugar certo em relação ao meu propósito e profissão, sei que devo a ela. Porque ela me deu as ferramentas certas e me mostrou que tudo isso sempre esteve dentro de mim. Obrigada obrigada obrigada!”

Luiza Godoy, comunicadora e mentoranda Comunica com Alma

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it will be amazing to develop workshops, projects and mentorships by your side
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